Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) is far more than just being tired. It is a frustrating, complicated disorder that affects more than one million Americans. CFS is characterized by extreme fatigue that may worsen with physical or mental activity or exercise and does not improve with rest. CFS affects many people on a day-to-day basis and with some being severely disabled and even bedridden. According to the CDC (Center for Disease Control) Chronic Fatigue Syndrome affects more people in the United States than multiple sclerosis, lupus, and many forms of cancer.
Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is the current name for a disorder characterized by debilitating fatigue and a variety of associated physical, constitutional and neuropsychological complaints. The clinical manifestation of CFS includes fatigue, difficulty concentrating, headaches, sore throat, tender lymph nodes, muscle aches, joint aches, fever, difficulty sleeping, psychiatric problems (such as depression), allergies, abdominal cramps, weight loss or gain, rash, rapid pulse, chest pain, and night sweats. In order for Chronic fatigue to be a diagnosis you must be experiencing at least 4 of these symptoms for at least six months or longer, and the pathophysiology to the causes of these symptoms must remain uncertain according to western medicine diagnostics.
Chinese medicine has been reported to be useful and without any side effects for the treatment of CFS. Chinese Medicine works with many of these diverse symptoms associated with CFS and tries to ascertain how, where, and what organ pattern functions are the root causes of the symptoms presented. Chinese medicine works to restore an original, natural state of health with a combination of Chinese herbal medicine, Acupuncture, and Chinese nutritional consulting.
Chinese herbal medicine can be extremely effective in treating the symptoms CFS and aims to rejuvenate the body to activate it’s own inherent wisdom to heal itself. The key treatments in Chinese medicine focus on regulating and detoxifying liver functioning, boosting energy, and often repairing and or restoring digestive functioning that may be exacerbating the CFS.
Sources and References:
Wang, Douglas L.Ac., MD (China). “Acupuncture and TCM Approaches for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.” Acupuncture Today, August, 2005, Vol. 06, Issue 08. Web. 5 Jan 2014.
“Traditional Chinese Medicine For Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.” Journal of Evidence Based Complimentary and Alternative Medicine, 2010 March; 7(1): 3–10. Web. 5 Jan 2014.
Center for Disease Control Database. Web. 6 January 2014.